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Proposals for publishing by subscription, dedicated, by permission, to the Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company,
Journal of morphology
Just arrived!!! A great serpent, from America
Latham's History of birds, with etchings by the author, accurately coloured. ...A complete history of birds, down to the present time
Pam.v.1198, No.5 - Directions for taking care of the cochineal insects while at sea / Soins a observer pour la Conservation des Insects Cochenille a bord des Vaisseaux Sur Mer
920 Pam. No. 349 - Popular lectures on natural history, lecture committees repeatedly ask for notices of the press regarding the lectures of Professor Morse, the following are selected from hundreds
Proposals for publishing by subscription, a work on the fish of North America, with plates, drawn and coloured from nature. By C. A. Lesueur
Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des mollusques, tant des espèces qu'on trouve aujourd'hui vivantes que des  dépouilles fossiles de celles qui n'existent plus
Pam.v.105, No.20 - Librairie de Pichon et Didier. Cours de l'histoire naturelle des Mammifères, professé au Jardin du Roi par M. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, les lundis, mercredis et vendredis. Recueilli par une Société de Sténographes
Discovery of viviparous fish in Louisiana. New Orleans, Nov. 1, 1854
Histoire naturelle économique et politique des poissons utilies; précédée de celle des morses, des phoques et des cétacées
First Book of Zoology. By Edward S. Morse, Ph. D., Formerly Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology in Bowdoin College.
Iconografia della fauna Italica di Carlo Luciano Bonaparte Principe di Musignano. Prospetto
Pam.v.105, No.23 - Libraire de Méquignon-Marvis, Éditeur...Iconographie et histoire naturelle des coléoptères d'Europe...Prospectus...Paris, ce 10 mars 1829
Proposals, by Edward Poole, for publishing, by subscription, a supplement to the "History of animated nature, by Oliver Goldsmith." Animals peculiar to North America, by John D. Godman, M.D.
The accompanying portrait of John James Audubon is presented by the Audubon Monument Committees to every contributor of one dollar or more to the monument fund
Important to naturalists, scientific institutions, &c. ...Just published, price one guinea to subscribers--thirty shillings to non-subscribers, The natural history of the order Cetacea, and the oceanic inhabitants of the Arctic regions.
Proposals for printing, by subscription, Elements of zoology or outlines of the natural history of animals. ...Conditions, &c.